Options Domination Review
Options Domination is an online trading platform that operates with a network marketing/multi-level marketing structure. Find out how much money you can make with Options Domination today in our review.
What is Options Domination?
Options Domination, like many options trading software platforms, promises to help anyone make tons of money by buying and selling binary options.
The software was developed by four veterans of the network marketing industry: Hitesh Juneja, Jason Rose, Roger Langille, and Kevin Hokoana. These four launched the company on February 1, 2015.
Options Domination is the spiritual successor to DS Domination, an online trading platform that also focused on binary options trading. In August 2013, the four founders bought that software and transferred all 100,000 users to their new platform, Options Domination.
At first glance, Options Domination is virtually identical to most other options trading software platforms: from the main software screen, you can view a list of options. You can view the best options to buy or sell at a particular time.
You don’t actually buy or sell options from within Options Domination. Instead, the platform simply tells you which binary options to sell or buy. Then, you buy or sell those options at a third party broker. That’s it.
Most people use Options Domination by having the platform open on one half of their monitor and a broker open on the other half of the monitor. This also works well if you have two monitors, or a secondary tablet/laptop beside your main computer.
How Does Options Domination Work?
If you don’t know what options trading, I’m not going to get into a full description here.
But in very basic terms, you’re betting on the short-term value of certain assets. You buy or sell options based on whether or not an asset will be above or below a certain amount of money at a certain date – or time – in the future.
If you’re right, and the asset is above/below that price at the future date/time, then you gain money based on the risk of that bet. If you’re wrong, and the asset is above/below the price at the future date/time (depending on the option you picked), then you just lose the money you paid for the option in the first place.
You can buy and sell options throughout the day, and, if you know what you’re doing, generate a tidy income online from the comfort of your office chair.
Options Domination works like most options trading platforms with one key difference: the company is based on a network marketing structure.
Like most multi-level marketing companies / network marketing companies, you pay to join Options Domination. Then, you can earn back that money by recruiting other people or by making money by trading options.
Step by Step Guide to Starting Options Domination
Options Domination claims that it can take anyone from zero to hero. In fact, it even outlines the exact process someone can use to make a lot of money in a short period of time with binary options trading:
Step 1) Create an Options Domination account
Step 2) Select the service type that best suits your current status and financial goals
Step 3) Watch the training videos to understand how the system works and begin making trades. You can work with any broker you like.
Step 4) Evaluate your trades and lock in the trades with which you’re most comfortable
Step 5) Scale this system all the way up to Legacy status to maximize earnings and “take income to unimaginable levels”
Step 6) Integrate with DS Domination eCommerce system to “combine multiple mutually independent income streams into the world’s most powerful income generation system for the masses.”
Step 7) Begin a “life of freedom” and “sit back and continue building your empire.”
As you can see, the first four steps are ridiculously easy. Anyone can visit the site, sign up for an account, and begin making trades fairly quickly.
The last 3 steps is where things get crazy: Options Domination claims anyone can scale their system up to make “unimaginable” amounts of money online. Of course, most people will never hit these levels, but it’s something to strive towards.
Options Domination Membership Packages
When you sign up for Options Domination, you have three different account options available to you. Did you read step 2 up above? That’s where you select the service that “best suits your current status and financial goals.” Here’s how each service level breaks down:
Inheritance Package ($49.95 per Month)
This is full blown binary options trading with signal services. You get access to Options Domination along with all the introductory training materials. You also gain access to certain basic signals. The creators of Options Domination claim to have a 70% success rate with this package and up to 80% payouts. All trade signals in this package are technical trade signals.
Enterprise Package ($149.95 per Month)
The Enterprise Package includes everything in the Inheritance Package along with the opportunity to look over the virtual shoulder of a real live binary options trader. These traders claim to be very successful and they even host weekly webinars explaining how to evaluate trades and become as successful as they are.
Other key differences between the Enterprise Package and the Inheritance Package is that the Enterprise Package has more signal services and end of day trades. In other words, you get more notifications telling you when to make a trade, how to make a trade, and why you should make a particular trade.
You also get the added bonus of getting the ability to make market trades. Options Domination claims this package has a 75% to 85% success rate.
Legacy Package ($399.95 per Month)
The Legacy Package offers everything that’s in the Inheritance and Enterprise packages. You also get the added ability to invest in assets that claim to pay 8% to 10%. Better yet, these assets claim to be “very low risk” and similar to the high interest savings account offered by banks.
Options Domination doesn’t explain what those assets are, or how they work. There’s really no such thing as an asset that pays 8% to 10% per year with no risk, so that’s a bit of a red flag.
In any case, in addition to this magical asset, the Legacy Package offers you “very exclusive trades” that come with minimum risks and unusually high payouts. These trades reportedly only show up a few times per week.
Which Package is Right for You?
Ultimately, with Options Domination, the more you pay per month, the more binary options signals you receive. The more binary options signals you receive, the more you can expect to earn.
At the lower levels, you only receive a small number of technical signals and won’t be able to generate more than a few hundred dollars per month online. At the higher end, the sky’s the limit.
Minimum Deposit (All Accounts)
Options Domination and the affiliated brokers with which they work require a minimum deposit of $250 USD. However, as you might expect, the company recommends a deposit of $1,000 to take full advantage of all the benefits.
Options Domination Compensation Plan and Opportunity
Since Options Domination is a multi-level marketing business, you can make money by attracting other people to the business. If you manage to convince someone to join, then you’ll become part of something called the Tri-Matrix compensation plan.
Here’s how the official Options Domination website describes that compensation plan:
“The Tri-Matrix system is a unique compensation plan system that allows all our participating members to have a shot at receiving bonus income from the company’s internal matrix configuration. This is just a system designed to reward our customers for being our customers, and allows everyone to participate regardless of recruiting or the time of joining. You can learn more about it here.”
Basically, all customers get rewarded as the company grows. Even if you’re not actively recruiting someone into the company and earning an affiliate income, you can still get a small cut of the company’s earnings.
Options Domination isn’t very specific about this compensation plan and doesn’t explain how much money users can expect to earn.
Who Should Sign Up for Options Domination?
If you like multi-level marketing companies and binary options trading, then Options Domination combines two of your favorite things into one marketable product.
Buying into the business isn’t cheap. If you can afford to pay $399 per month for Options Domination, then you can gain unique insight into hundreds of exclusive high-value trades every month. But to make back that monthly fee, you’ll need to be trading binary options nearly every day of the (business) week. That can be an overwhelming amount of work for some people.
That’s why there’s a good backup plan: you can also earn money through Options Domination by signing up as an affiliate and selling offers to people. If you can convince other people to join Options Domination, then you get a cut of their monthly fee.
Options Domination has been delayed for many months. And even today, it’s slow to get off the ground. If you want to get on board this company early, then now’s the time. If you’d rather wait till things are more established, then you might want to wait a year or more to see how Options Domination moves forward and tackles some early challenges.